Periodic Academic Review

Periodic Academic Review (PAR) is an enhancement focused review of a set of cognate programmes undertaken to evaluate the provision while providing a robust mechanism by which the University can assure itself of the quality of the programmes.

Complementary to the University’s Annual Programme Monitoring processes, and supported by data to allow a metrically driven, risk-based approach to review, PAR processes are focused on delivering continuous improvement in the student academic experience and academic student outcomes.

The PAR process is an academic activity underpinned by peer review and externality, and informed student involvement. PAR draws upon the processes of External Examining, Annual Programme Monitoring, student surveys, student and employer/industry feedback, and any involvement of Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies.

PAR allows Programme Teams to evaluate their programmes, identifying improvements, developments and innovations within their provision that will enhance the student experience, whilst aligned to strategic plans.


The Periodic Academic Review Quality Assurance Manual sets out the principles and process for periodically reviewing the University’s academic provision.

Office of Quality, Standards and Partnerships